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Texas Southern
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This site showcases my hobby interests of railfanning and model railroading. It includes pictures of real trains as well as my models. I also post pics of items I have for sale on E-Bay from time to time. I also have information on my model railroad, the Texas Southern.Enjoy the site, and if you have any questions or suggestions, contact me at carlshobby@hotmail.com. |
What's On The Photo Pages
For pics of my latest acquitions from E-Bay, go to Photo Page . For pics of trains that I have taken near Milton, FL, go to Photo Page 2. |
The Latest Happenings
Been cruising E-Bay and finding some really good deals. Picked up a case of Athearn Genesis SD70M's in BNSF warbonnet paint. Will be working on renumbering 4 of the 6. Also got a great deal on some woodchip hoppers that will finish off my unit 'chip' train. Only problem I have with E-Baying is that it seems that all the really great deals are on at the same time, go figure. So watch out if you are shopping, I may be looking at the same super deal you are. |
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Texas Southern Transportation Co.
Texas Southern Railroad is a ficticious bridge route between my two favorite railroads, the Southern Pacific and the Santa Fe. Located in East Texas Southwest Arkansas, and West Louisiana, it is part of a three state conglomeration named ARKLATEX INDUSTRIES. Independent industries incorporated for strength. The Texas Southern Transportation Company was developed by the corporation to ensure rail and truck service to the owning members. Three divisions make up the company, the Rail Division is responsible for the railroad, the OTR Division is responsible for long and short haul trucking, and the Maintenance Division is responsible for maintaining the corporate equipment fleet. The Maintenance Division also does contract work for outside customers.